
UunoFI CH Pinebulls Dear Fellow

Sex Male
Color Red with white marks
Born 3.2.2006
Breeder Marjaana & Aki Kosonen
Owner Arto & Tiina Pitkämö & breeder

Mr. Akiman from the Bulls Compagnie Ch Mervander Thundering Home Ch Mervander Our Buster
Henlet Adorable Miss of Mervander
The Hopi´s Gipsy Woman Nobozz Del Boy
Isgraig Red Crystal
FIN CH Jewbull's Celine Dion Bondabull Lapland Gold GB CH WW-01 Merriveen Make My Day
Jumano Miss Jet Setter With Bondabull
FIN CH EuVW-06 Omajlav Press Ones Luck FIN CH Black Hope On The Rock's
Omajlav Nest Egg